Monday, 4 April 2016

OUGD501 Practical - Poster Designs (Studio Brief One)

I decided I would make some posters to go along with the publication. They are very minimal, again to get the message across about how boring killing off LGBT characters is becoming. The first two I designed are based on the hashtag #BuryOurGays, which is a hashtag based around the idea of LGBT murder. 

I then created a similar poster, this time based on the hashtag #WeDeserveBetter, which was a hashtag that came about specifically when Lexa was killed off on The 100. I prefer this poster as the type looks more natural as the words are different sizes, meaning it looks a lot more interesting and designed.

These posters were created based on the front cover of the publication that I have designed. They are very simple, however ideally they would come inside the publication, and therefore it would be obvious what the concept of the posters is.

I then created the next two posters, which is a similar concept, however each poster has a memorial of all the lesbian characters that have died through-out history. The point of this particular poster was to show just how many there are. I then added the hashtag and a fact over the top of the memorial, which made the poster have a purpose. These two posters are definitely my favourite posters that I have designed, as they are very similar to the publication and are therefore consistent. 

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