Wednesday 12 October 2016

OUGD601 Research Focus Presentation & Feedback

Before writing the dissertation, it is beneficial to get some feedback on a rough essay plan, the question chosen for the essay and also a plan of chapters for the essay. Below is the presentation created that will be presented to a small group for feedback on ideas and the subject in general.

The question I am going to aim to answer in my essay has been decided due to the essay I wrote last year as it will link back to that essay as it is a similar topic. I really enjoyed researching about and it also means that the dissertation will be a kind of expansion or further exploration from second year. Within this, I thought it would be beneficial to look at the following:

-The Sexual Revolution
- Homosexuality
- Influential artists, e.g. Tracey Emin
- The Male Gaze
- Sexualisation of women in advertising
- The Guerrilla Girls
- Postfeminism
- Taboo

I think it will be helpful to present a vague essay plan to get an idea of how my essay should be structured. I created this more for myself and for feedback more than an actual essay plan, as of course it is very vague and I would just like to have some direction for myself to follow and also to get some feedback.

I then added a slide to my presentation about the books that I have been looking at over summer. I haven't had a chance to get the book by Rosalind Gill out of the library yet as recommended by Simon, however it is a book that I will definitely be looking at as a lot of the research I have done online about Gill suggests that it will be a very helpful book when writing my essay.

Finally, I created a slide for practical work. This slide is left blank, as I am still not sure of the outcome for the project at this stage, however I think it would be quite a nice idea to create a book similar to the book I created last year, as it would show that it is a further exploration of a similar topic - however it will all depend on the research that I decide to include in my essay, so I am not limiting myself to a publication design.


The feedback I got from the group and Amber was helpful and mostly positive. I was asked what I believe the outcome will be, and I believe that gender will have an impact on the creative industry. I was also advised to amend the way I have written my question as it was suggested that its very similar to my previous essay and it would be a lot better to explore the relationship between them both rather than the impact.

It was also suggested that I definitely shouldn't limit myself to making a publication and to only begin the practical work once I have written a big chunk of my essay so that I will definitely be answering the question within both my essay and the practical work.

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