Friday 26 February 2016

OUGD501 Practical - Research into Publication Design (Studio Brief One)

To get an idea of how to lay out my publication, I am going to do some research into designs that already exist. My own publication is going to be solely text, so for this reason I am going to try to find some publications that are in a similar style.

This publication is very text heavy, but is made interesting by the different type sizes and thicknesses. This is something that could definitely work for my own publication, however I don't particularly want my publication to be interesting to look at, as the whole concept is that it's boring to look at as it symbolises that it's boring that all lesbian characters are killed off.

This is another publication that I found. This one does use images, however the type is very interesting as it is typeset beautifully and there is a high focus on negative space. This is something that I will have to focus on myself as I want each page to look very clean and easy to read/follow.

This particular publication has given me an idea for my own, as I think the left hand page looks a lot like noise on a television screen. This is something that could really make my own publication stand out, however this would have to be at the very beginning as it would entice the reader in, only for them to be disappointed with the content - something I am keen to do.

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