Wednesday 16 March 2016

OUGD501 COP3 Introduction Lecture (Studio Brief One)

Deadline will be around the 12/13/14th January.
Stimulated Approach - Intuitive Approach - Systematic Approach - Intuitive Approach

Assimilation - General Study - Communication - Development (A strategy for researching into a problem)

Knowing that... (theoretical knowledge)
Knowing how... (practical knowledge)
Knowing where... (contextual knowledge)

Context of practice - theory/practice - knowing that & knowing how - synthesis

All research must have a purpose - find an answer to a question.
research paradigm.

"Research is formalised curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose" - Zora Neale Hurston

Purpose of research - Context of Practice (module) - (Scope & scale - relevance & usefulness) ((INITIAL RESEARCH QUESTION) - Context of Practice (individual) - Research proposal - part 1

"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought" - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

What is there to study? (ontology)
How can we know about it?

Facts - Opinions (objective)= Knowledge (subjective)

If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? - Albert Einstein


Choose one research q discussed in the lecture.

Produce a 10 slide pdf research proposal submitted via ISSUU on your COP blog.

Your proposal should focus on the development of a body of theoretical, contextual and practical research around an individually appropriate theme of subject relating to your selected question.

You should include:

Chosen research question
250 word introductory statement identifying a special area of individual interest within the research question.

You should include a minimum of:
-5 relevant/related subjects
-5 relevant quotes
-5 relevant books
-5 relevant websites
-5 relevant images
-5 relevant contextual references

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