Wednesday 11 January 2017

OUGD601 Evaluation

Overall, this module has been incredibly successful. I chose to answer the question 'to what extent is there a relationship between gender and visual culture?' and I believe I have answered this question thoroughly and to a high standard within both the written element and practical element of this module. This was a very interesting topic for me to research, which is one of the reasons I chose this question as I really enjoyed researching into the relationship between sex and visual culture for COP2. 

A strength of this project was definitely my own time management for the written element of the module, as I had a very tight project plan to work towards every week, which meant I was never overwhelmed with the amount of work I had to do to complete it. I also gave myself a lot of time over summer and in September to research before beginning the essay which was definitely beneficial as I had a very detailed outline of the content that my essay would involve.

However, a weakness of this project was the practical element, and this was due to poor time management. I thought I was really going to struggle to reach the word count of the essay, so for this reason I solely focused on the written element for most of the module, however it turned out that the written element was actually a lot easier than the practical.

Having said that, I am really proud of the publication that I created as it's very informed by the research within the written element, something which is key to the time management of the written element, as I had a range of ideas and I had undertaken a lot of research.

A strength of this project was definitely my participating within the group critiques, and also making sure to ask for feedback off my own back instead of waiting for a group critique. I tried to really engage with them as it was something that I fell down on last year, and I believe it really helped me with both elements of my module. I also tried to give as much feedback as I could to other people to better their projects. 

Along with this, another strength of the module was engaging in tutorials and making sure that I had certain things ready to ask and discuss. This was very helpful and I think it definitely helped with both the written and practical element of the module. 

Another strength of the project was the printing method. As my time management of the practical work wasn’t quite as good as the written element, I didn’t have time to experiment with some of the things I had originally planned, such as scanning in the publication and printing it as a photocopy. This would’ve been really interesting to see, however it wouldn’t have had the overall affect that the final publication currently does, so for this reason I’m still very proud of the final publication, manifesto and posters.

A weakness of the module was definitely the printing of the publication. It really frustrated me that the publication wasn’t perfect as I was hoping it would be a design that would feature in my portfolio. However, I think it still can be, I will just have to reprint the publication in my own time, as the print room was too busy to get it reprinted in time for submission.

Overall, however, this module has been very successful and I have truly enjoyed engaging and researching into gender and visual culture. I think this is something I am going to start following more closely in my own time, as I couldn’t quite believe the statistics about sexual objectification, and I am definitely going to be on the look out for advertisements that don’t use the method of selling products through sex.

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