Wednesday 11 January 2017

OUGD601 Synthesis

The written element of the module was explored to discover whether there was a relationship between gender and visual culture. The essay discussed different types of visual culture, such as the media and advertisements in relation to gender. This was then backed up by primary research about the advetisements that exist today. The conclusion of the dissertation was that there is a relationship between gender and visual culture, however it varies within the kind of visual culture. For example, ladies magazines are ladies magazines have a constantly conflicting ideology, however this ‘does not mean that there may not also be spaces for progessive ideas or cultural contestation’ (Gill, 2007, p.204). 

However, within advertising it was found that there is a huge relationship between visual culture and gender, as most advertisements that have existed in the past and exist in this day and age rely on gender to sell products, often by sexually objectifying women or dehumanisaton.

The aim of the practical element was to produce a publication that would aid graphic designers when creating advertisements to avoid sexual objectification by following six steps. The publication was aimed at graphic designers of all ages, and it was crucial that the publication was designed to appeal to all genders. The research into colour theory was hugely helpful when designing the publication as the concept was strengthened by appealing to both genders by contrasting the usual ideology that boys like blue and girls like pink. 

The overall aesthetic was also an important factor of the publication, as it was inspired by Riot Grrrl zines, and therefore followed a particular style of postmodern design. The typefaces also played a huge part in the aesthetic of the publication, as the bodycopy typeface used was incredibly similar to that used by Riot Grrrls in the 1990s.

Both the written and practical elements correlate to each other due to the content, as both elements explored both advertising and gender neutral advertising and both came to the same conclusion; that advertisements haven’t changed their ideology in around 50 years, and something has to be done about that. It was originally thought that the consumers ideology has to change in order for advertising to progress past using gender, however the first hand research undertaken discovered that many people’s attitudes have already changed, and therefore it’s down to designers and advertisers to attend to that.

To conclude, both the written and practical elements aimed to answer the question ‘is there a relationship between gender and visual culture?’. The answer is yes and the overall belief is that something needs to change so that all genders are included.

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