Thursday 29 December 2016

OUGD601 Practical Brief

Below is a brief written for the practical side of the project that will ensure that the practical relates back to the written element of the module. It will also ensure that the project is completed on time and in good quality.


Create a manifesto publication that will encourage designers to stop making advertisements that feature sexual objectification. The publication should be bold, interesting and relevant to the topic, and should also be legible and an easy-to-follow-guide. Knowing that men and women are often sexually objectified through advertisements from previous research and also the written element of this module, this should be an on-going project until the submission date and should explore different mediums and methods of both binding and printing.


- A final publication that is well informed and synthesises with the written element of the module.
- The publication should be printed and bound.

Mandatory Requirements.

- The publication has to synthesise with the written element and be well informed from the research previously undertaken.

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